Beautifulfurnitureneverfailstomakeanimpact. Furnitureisabigpartofinteriordecoration.Beitforaspacious homeorforacosyapartment,ahouseoranoffice,furnishevery conceivablespacewithourproducts.Weprovidehigh-quality modernfurnituretobeenjoyedformanyyearswithafocuson dependability,usersatisfaction,andgreatquality.
Features- Features a pull-tab for convenient access and two handles for easy portability
- Collapsible for storage when not in use
- Made to work perfectly with ClosetMaid's Premium 3-Cube Bench and Premium Adjustable 6-Cube and 9-Cube Organizers
- Measures 11-inches tall, 105-inches wide, 105-inches deep
- Made of 420D Polyester with contrasting interior and exterior Colors
Specifications- Color: French Vanilla Print
- Material: Polypropylene
- Dimension: 13" H x 10.75" W x 1.25" L
- Weight: 1.5