100g Potassium Chloride Powder - Pure E508 Food Grade Salt Substitute
100g Potassium Chloride Powder - Pure E508 Food Grade Salt Substitute

Dropship 100g Potassium Chloride Powder - Pure E508 Food Grade Salt Substitute

Category: Home & garden
Supplier: Ozdingo


100.0% of buyers have recommended this.

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Product description

Pure Potassium Chloride (KCL) E508 is a food grade powder that comes in a resealable bag. It is a common and naturally occurring mineral. It is generally used to provide potassium enrichment in foods and as a salt replacer to reduce the sodium content in food.

Potential Uses

  • Flavouring agent
  • Flavour enhancer
  • Nutrient supplement
  • pH control agent
  • Stabiliser
  • Thickening and gelling promoter


  • Potassium Chloride KCI on dry basis is 99.3%
  • Contains anti-caking agent Na4Fe(CN)6

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